A RECENT survey into the transport network in the UK shows that Birmingham and the West Midlands are suffering from the worst congestion in the country and goes on to identify the cause as neglect of the road system.

Anyone who drives regularly through the region knows the frustration of motorway queues, town centre congestion and lack of adequate road space or maintenance.

Yet what is the Government's and local authorities' answer to this? To tax the motorist off the road. Thus, the serious issue of how to deal realistically with increased personal mobility has been reduced in recent times to a "who can fleece the car owners more" approach. Yet, of the £35 billion annually raised from motoring taxes, less than one fifth is spent on transport improvement and maintenance.

Unless and until this Government starts to accept that the car is for most an essential tool for their daily lives and starts putting more cash into the road system, the situation can only get worse. Furthermore, car drivers all over this region will rightly vent their anger through the ballot box.

PHILIP BRADBOURN OBE MP, Edgbaston, Birmingham.