ALTHOUGH Malvern entered this home match against Stourport with confidence, the early signs were not good.

Brought in at number five, ladies' captain Lorraine Wilde found Nigel Laker altogether too strong and too mobile and the home side were quickly in arrears.

Kevin Sandercock looked equally out of sorts as Nick Crockett raced ahead in the first game with points mainly taken from the left hander's suspect backhand. But as Kevin applied extreme pressure, based on his powerful hitting and running, the change in fortunes was dramatic as Nick was unable to physically withstand the barrage of fierce winners.

New to the team this season George Leeds has settled in well at number four. His relaxed style is deceptive and in spite of occasional lapses in concentration, which allowed Terry Mobbs some breathing space he had much too complete a game ever to be in real trouble.

Leading by two games to one George moved easily ahead in the fourth, only to allow Terry to get back into contention at deuce where again, neither of them seemed able to dominate.

At the top end, it was business as usual for Robin Broad and Nigel Long. Robin's unorthodox style and phenomenal retrieving totally perplexed Darren Granger who managed only three points in the match while Nigel was equally uncharitable, leaving Stourport's number one gasping and groaning as apparent winners were returned with interest.

RESULTS: Nigel Long bt Maynard Burton 9-0. 9-3, 10-8; Robin Broad bt Darren Granger 9-0, 9-0, 9-3; Kevin Sandercock bt Nick Crockett 2-9, 9-6, 9-0, 9-0; George Leeds bt Terry Mobbs 9-4, 6-9, 9-2, 10-9; Lorraine Wilde lost to Nigel Laker 6-9, 5-9, 4-9.