MALVERN memories of Arthur Troyte Griffith are included in a new edition of an audio tape compiled by artist and writer Catherine Moody.

Troyte - A Memoir was first produced by Miss Moody two years ago as a 60-minute tape based on research by members of Malvern Architectural Society.

Now she has added new material, extending the tape to 90 minutes and added notes.

Griffith, an architect, watercolour painter, friend of Sir Edward Elgar and subject of his seventh Enigma Variation, left his mark on Malvern in more ways than one.

He designed All Saints' Church, Lower Wyche, Elston in Malvern Wells, several houses in Peachfield Road and the famous toposcope, providing a guide to landmarks visible from the Worcestershire Beacon.

He was also secretary and treasurer of Malvern Concert Club, founded by Elgar, until his death in 1942.

Miss Moody, who has compiled and recorded the memoir at her Malvern home, has her own memories of Troyte, who taught her perspective.

"He was an academic, very dry, but the sort of person who could be very endearing when you got to know him," she said.

"He always looked the same, dressed in a Norfolk jacket, knee breeches and an old cloak he had bought in Germany in his youth."

Of Troyte Griffith's architectural style, Miss Moody said: "It was very soundly functional - he always attended to the drains. It was in the style of the Arts and Crafts Movement, following the William Morris tradition.

"He used simple materials like good wood, good tiles and good brick, to make it interesting, nothing pretentious."

The picture of Troyte on the cover of the audio tape is Miss Moody's pen version of an original pencil drawing by her father, the late Victor Hume Moody.

The Troyte tape is already available, price £6.60, plus £1 postage and packing, from Jonathan Gibbs Books, Lakes Cottage, Drake Street, Welland, Malvern, WR13 6LBN, and the Malvern Bookshop, 7 Abbey Road, Malvern, WR14 3ES.

At the end of December, a new anthology including 10 poems written by Miss Moody will also be available from the same suppliers.

Beyond the Stars is an anthology of 12 Spotlight Poets, produced by Anchor Press, price £6.95 (post and packing £1.30).

"The publishers have selected some new and some of my previously published poems for the anthology," said Miss Moody.

One is a follow-up to her Millennium hymn, Almighty Father, which was sung at Malvern Priory.

Another, called The Great Fault ("in the geographical sense," said Miss Moody) refers to Elgar and his attitude to Malvern.

There are also poems about dawn and dusk in Malvern, about working in a studio and about pastel colours. This last was written for the centenary of the Pastel Society of London, of which she is a member.