PEOPLE and non-political groups have done what political parties could never do. Differences and self-interest are put aside to unite and deliver the message - the BNP is not liked, wanted nor welcome.

What has the Labour Party done/doing about this? The politicians in the political industry are the very people who will support, even assist extremist groups/individuals to legally operate. Democracy is used as the excuse.

Then they play the good-doers, peacemakers and protectors.

By complaining with pretence, you fool no one. The impression given is that extremists are of political benefit to you.

If there was increase in mass popularity for the extremists, what would happen to your present principles?

Instead of using out-dated cheap stunts, if you really mean anything, tackle the heart of the matter like "what is and what is not democracy?

If there are democratic rights, there must be "wrongs" too. Let's talk about BNP, culture, racism. But beware - such topics may upset your popularity ratings.

