Malvern Hills Indoor Bowls Club member George Ridgeon is off to a post-Paralympic bowls tournament in November.

Bowls was taken out of the paralympics as 36 countries from five continents do not take part.

However, Australian wheelchair bowlers have made their State Championships open to the World.

However, the British bowlers have had to find for their own fare.

Ridgeon says bowls is one of the few sports where age, sex or disability does not make any difference.

Disabled bowlers have been made welcome since Malvern Hills IBC opened over ten years ago.

Getting much valued practice, George also bowls with the English Fire Service all over the country.

Any disabled wishing more information tel: Don Sumner (01886) 832447. The disabled meet Friday's 4.30-6.30pm or visit the club at Manor Park Malvern.