IT'S impossible for the people of Great Britain to be called racist. Our history throughout the ages confirm origins of inter-breeding with immigrants, invaders and conquerors. We are already a multi-racial society whose genes can possibly be traced to every country in the World.

We have, however, evolved into a proud democratic nation; an island fortress with the surrounding sea as our moat, often breached, but always repaired, thus enabling us Brits to control our own identity.

Our judiciary system is, as Shakespeare says, "the envy of less happier lands". It's a system devoid of the utter corruption witnessed and read about in many totalitarian socialist regimes. With memories of Stalin's Russia, Hitler's Germany, Mao's China, Saddam's Iraq and, more recently, Slobbo's Serbia ringing in our ears, our democracy, heritage, conservatism, monarchy and the traditions of generations are all the more precious to each and every one of us...something we must defend with all our might.

New Labour and the New Socialists of Federal Europe are determined to fragment and dissolve our unified nation in order to absorb, digest and lose us within their federal mass. We are within but a short span of our Government achieving this goal, so it's up to us, the people, to fight for the preservation of our national democracy, we must trade with and befriend other nations but Britannia must rule herself. Brits, be they black, brown, white or yellow, must never slavishly follow the edicts of an undemocratic, unelected bureaucracy in Brussels.

James H Alexander, Symonds Yat West, Herefordshire.