Anthony Hopwood asks the true cost of County Council spending on traffic-calming measures ('What is it costing', Postbag, October 13). Hundreds of new signs, unnecessary lights, gallons of red paint etc, etc!

I would say "don't hold your breath". Recent letters in local newspapers have asked someone in authority to tell us why it has so far cost taxpayers over £5,500 per annum (£106 per week?) for each asylum seeker in this area? And, asking, how can Worcestershire County Council justify spending (each week!) £1,923 for every child in care? But so far, no reply.

And would any local or national politician care to deny that in order to cover this carefree attitude to "our" money, Council Tax will rise to take a large percentage of the forecast £2.25p weekly rise in my pensioner income April 2001? As it did this year when I received a munificent 75p a week and my council tax went up 109p a week.

Come on, Greens, UKIP, BNP, NF, Monster Raving Loony Party (or any other 'fringe' party), put up a candidate and tell us your plans for pensioners as I will surely never again vote for hypocritical Labour, Tory or Lib-Dem!

F L Jones, Arosa Drive, Malvern.