VILLAGE SOCIETY: The society was extremely pleased with the response to its photographic quiz it organised for the recent millennium exhibition.

It certainly caused some scratching of heads and cudgelling of brains and not a single entry entry gained full points for an all-correct set of answers.

First prize, a large bottle of Quality Street, was won by an under-18 year old, Zoe Skinner of Dovehouse Drive.

Runners-up prizes of boxes of chocolates were awarded to Susan Hodge of Willow Drive and to K C Williams of Whitehead Drive.

TEA AFTERNOON: The Macmillan Tea Afternoon at the village hall, combined with an envelope collection, has so far made £844. Many thanks to everyone for their generosity and support.

CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP: A comprehensive talk about wines, their origins and quality was given by Andrew Hurley and Caroline from Tesco, Stratford.

This was followed by a much-appreciated tasting session and numerous questions from the members.

Les Morris gave the vote of thanks and the customary monthly raffle ended a very enjoyable afternoon.

The next meeting of the fellowship will be on November 16, at 2.30pm, at HRI Wellesbourne.

Visitors are always given a warm welcome.

MOTHERS UNION: Members of St Peter's branch were privileged to be given a talk on the work of the MU overseas department by Felicity Hawke.

She explained in great depth the difficulties experienced by the diocesan links in Madegasgar, Central Zambia and Northern Nigeria.

At the end of the meeting Mrs Hawke was presented with a cheque for £110 for the various MU projects overseas.