FLOWER CLUB: The demonstration was warmly received. Carol Hunter's title was Globe Trotting and the arrangements illustrated flowers from an English garden and gardens in South Africa.

The flowers were exotic and colourful so made for an enjoyable, relaxing evening.

On October 2 members met for a lovely lunch in Wyck House Hotel, Stow. Paul Williams a freelance author and garden designer from Blockley was the guest speaker and he illustrated his talk with visual aids, passing around examples of plants emphasising smell and colour. The club meets again tonight (Thursday), 7.30pm, in Broadwell Village Hall. Gloria Davies is the demonstrator with the title Nature's Gift. Come early, have a hot drink look at the sales table for Christmas bargains.

INTEREST AND LEISURE CLUB: Nearly all the club outings this year have been blessed with fine weather. The visit to Sudeley Castle was no exception.

The gardens were especially lovely. Among the attractions are a glove-making exhibition, plant centre, gift shop, adventure playground and picnic area and an excellent restaurant and a wildfowl sanctuary. So much to see.

After a brief look at Winchcombe and a cup of tea it was time to board the coach. Mrs Mavis McLoughlin gave a vote of thanks to Barbara and Dudley Smith for arranging the outing and to the driver.