PARISH COUNCIL: Two items under the subject of planning gave cause for concern - one, an application for vehicular access from the Evesham Road to a paddock behind Orchard Place which was objected to because no clear reason for same had been established.

The second, the insertion of Velux windows in the roof space above the bungalow behind the Post office had already been the subject of complaint, being seen as a contravention of the original permission granted by Wychavon District Council.

After discussion, members unanimously agreed to stand by the original objections, to urge the district council to insist on its planning conditions being observed and to ask coun Holt to make enquiries into the matter.

He undertook to do so.

Chairman, coun Dennis McKenzie, reported there had been no reply from the district council over the Leys Road ditch, which remains a difficult problem.

Shared responsibility for grass mowing in the village is still under discussion, the latest map received from the housing association being unclear and requiring further correspondence from the parish clerk.

Coun Holt reminded the meeting that the county council had delegated the responsibility for its areas to the parish council and had offered it money for the task.

It was felt the offer was not sufficiently high and needed further negotiation but this matter and others discussed in the meeting, it was clear that delay in receiving replies from various departments to letters hampers the parish council's ability to make progress and causes intense frustration.

This applies also to the setting up of a community safety group.

The chairman now has the names of six residents willing to be part of such a group but the difficulty of arranging a meeting between them, Wychavon and PC Storr who, it is hoped, will chair subsequent meetings, is proving extraordinarily difficult.

Coun Holt agreed to make inquiries into making any progress.

The police are to be told that an increasing number of people are leaving the village at the no-exit road.

The periodic provision of skips was also commented on and, in future, a notice telling children to keep off the skips should be displayed, making parents responsible for children's compliance.

Playing field committee: The chairman reported that he had told Dr Hugh Nunn there was a considerable sum of money available for improving recreational facilities but Dr Nunn had replied that he, unfortunately, did not have enough time to undertake a major project and he had decided to resign as chairman of the playing field committee.

It was unanimously agreed that a warm letter of thanks for his energetic services should be sent to Dr Nunn.

Mrs Minni Shakespeare, committee secretary has expressed a wish to attend any meetings in the absence of a chairman.

Three other people are willing to join the committee, one of whom is Roger Beard who is linked with the youth project and an understanding of what they hope for.

Other items: The chairman reminded councillors that questions about environmental matters should not be addressed to him but to the sub-committee responsible. Coun Sheila Lewis undertook to accept inquiries and complaints and liaise with the parish clerk as to how they should be dealt with.

Coun Tom Bacon reported on street lighting and it was requested that the public should be reminded to contact him with any inquiries.

Councillors Richard Sharpe, Joyce White, Arthur Robinson, and clerk Mary Welch are to represent the council in tomorrow' s (Friday) Challenge Quiz.

GARDEN CLUB: Edith Cappell, secretary, is to be congratulated on the monthly newssheet which, light-heartedly, but comprehensively, keeps members informed of meetings, events and plans as well as giving seasonal hints on gardening.

This month's edition also gives the names of members representing the club at the Challenge Quiz tomorrow (Friday). They are: Jenny Egan, Barbara Tallis, Sheila McKenzie and Vernon Goodchild.

Some supporters will be admitted free of charge and inquiries about this should be made to Sheila McKenzie. Remember - 7.30pm, in the village hall.