GARDEN CLUB: David Roberts, the chairman, reported that the Broadway show was the biggest and best ever, £400 was collected at the entrance and 502 entries appeared making the judging a painstaking job.

The meeting carried a vote of thanks to David Roberts and Eric Beadle, the principal organisers.

The speaker was Mrs V Brooks on Colour in the garden in winter and she produced slides of many colourful plants.

The competition 'plate of three tomatoes' was won by Jeff Barrett.

The meeting next Monday, will take place at the usual time and venue.

It is also the AGM so anyone interested in joining the committee should let the chairman know on 01386 852774.

There is a change of speaker, we are fortunate to have a return visit by Mrs Renee Weston on Alpines of Austria and Dolomites.

The competition is 'vase of autumn foliage with berries and fruit'.