PARENTS in Offenham have joined forces to create a much-needed play-area for their children.

Youngsters under the age of 10 have nowhere to play since the old playground was dismantled because it didn't meet safety standards.

Carole Inman, who is on the new committee, said: "We have been raising funds for a new playground as we haven't got one at the moment. Our committee is made up of eight mums and a dad and we meet every month. As well as raising funds ourselves, we have applied for lottery funding and are looking at other grants.

"We are not sure how much money we need, we are just trying to keep going with lots of different fund-raising ideas. We would like to have the playground by next summer, buying as much equipment as we can afford then and hope we can keep adding to it as money becomes available."

The next fund-raising event is a children's Hallowe'en disco on Sunday at Offenham Village Hall from 3.30pm until 5.30pm. There is a prize for the best fancy dress, games, a disco, refreshments and face painting. Any child up to the age of 10 is invited at a cost of £1.50 and pre-school age children must be accompanied. Tickets can be bought on the door or in advance from Carole Inman on 01386 45940.