I would like, if I may, to comment on two points from last week's paper.

I agree wholeheartedly with Simon Davis over the Regal. I think there must be at least 300 Evesham residents willing to put up £1000 each - I would certainly be one of them although it may be worth looking at the accounts before making any rash promises. I would also happily help with any restoration projects. I'm sure there would be grants available. Perhaps if anybody else has £1000 they can spare they could get in touch with the Journal.

Secondly, over Market Square. Who is on Wychavon's district planning committee? Why do they appear to want Evesham to fail as a town?

Why if there is such a shortage of retail space, are there so many empty shops?("Second pub in square bid fails").

When will the planning committee and the various councils start listening to the population of Evesham? Perhaps if they had done this a few years ago we wouldn't now be about to spend a small fortune on changing the traffic flow again!

Why is Evesham so certain to suffer from drunken hooligans if the powers- that-be allow tables and chairs outside pubs in the market square? Stratford, Cheltenham, Warwick and Worcester seem to cope without too many problems. OK that's enough steam for now.

It will be interesting to see if there are any answers.

Nick Sellick, Old Post Office Lane, Badsey, via email.