WHAT we, the farmers, witnessed (Saturday market marred by row, Advertiser/Messenger), was a disgraceful exhibition of aggressive behaviour by a small minority of traders who came up High Street with the clear intention of causing disruption at the farmers' market.

About six of these people surrounded the officer and shouted at him in a highly intimidating manner. These people were not regular market hall traders, who we know well and with whom we have excellent relations.

We understand their 'grievance' is they cannot trade in High Street - but they have the use of the market hall, which serves us perfectly well on alternate Thursdays.

The council should consider carefully what sort of people it should allow to trade in High Street and what standards of behaviour are acceptable there.

John Wakeman, Gary Blount, Chris Wilkes, Tom Fox, W Lewis, W Auger, CAS Wormington, Betty Jones, Maureen Marklew, Tina Crummy.

Bromsgrove farmers' market.