A BRAND new management structure focusing on customer care has been launched at the Kingfisher Centre as part of its £60 million revamp.

The move follows a complete re-organisation and prioritisation of the main centre staff which has seen the creation of a centre director.

Former centre manager Brian Walker, now the director, will be responsible for developing relationships with retailers and businesses.

He said: "Centre owners Thornfield are investing heavily in the town and I hope to be part of the Redditch renaissance.

"If Thornfield achieve their vision for the Kingfisher then we are in a win-win situation and there will be no reason to shop anywhere else than Redditch."

Stepping into Mr Walker's shoes as centre manager is Phil Berry, who has been deputy for more than 12 months and will now be responsible with the detailed running of the Kingfisher.

Mr Berry said: "I look forward to the challenge in these exciting times, I travel with optimism and look forward to the next five years with enthusiasm."

A new role of customer care manager has been created following the restructuring of the management team.

Steve Flynn will be responsible for all the cleaning and security aspects of the centre and said he was totally committed to the improvement of the centre and Mr Walker's vision of the future.

Former technical services manager Kevin Phillips, who has worked at the centre for 26 years, has been promoted to infrastructure development manager, responsible for all the technical aspects of the redevelopment.