A BROMSGROVE-based occupational health company is now certified to train workers across the country in lifesaving first aid skills.

Performance Through Health (PTH), in Hanbury Road, Stoke Prior, has been approved by the Health and Safety Executive to deliver first aid at work courses.

PTH's general manager, Elaine Hunt, said: "Each industrial or manufacturing plant has its own very specific hazardous risks - chemicals, cutting tools, heavy machinery and lifting equipment.

"Surprisingly, many providers of first aid at work training have never set foot in the workplace.

"We know what hazards affect different work environments and we tailor our courses to meet these needs."

Elaine said PTH training is delivered by qualified professionals who have themselves dealt with emergency situations.

For example, one of their trainers is a state-registered paramedic and spent ten years in the London ambulance service following a military career, including a tour in Northern Ireland.

Dr Roger Cooke set up PTH in 1993.

The company provides occupational health for many businesses and clients, including the prison service and NHS.

The main aim of the group is to minimise staff sickness levels by identifying measures which will prevent accidents and ill health.

Services offered include fitness testing and stress management.

For more information and leaflets on first aid training call PTH on (01527) 577242.