MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING: The two hostesses of Harvington's contribution to this widescale event are Sophie Dodds and Fran Webb, who issue a warm invitation to all who feel they would like to give their support to this worthwhile charity, thus joining thousands of others all over the country.

The venue is Breslau, Leys Road, the time 10am to 12.30pm, the date September 29. Coffee and home made scones will be served and there will also be a bring and buy stall and raffle. Please try to be there, your presence will be a great encouragement to the organisers.

PRE-SCHOOL: The words "at risk of closure" form a heading from the handbill being distributed to many homes in the village at this time and they constitute an appeal to all parents who might be considering using the services of pre-school to do so now. The numbers of children at pre-school at the moment are just enough to make it viable but any losses will mean the group has to close. This would be a great loss to the village which has relied on pre-school (best remembered as playgroup but that was before OFSTED) for many years. Do contact Sue Johnson 871128 or Julie Jennings 871732 to make further enquiries. They would be glad to hear from you.

CRICKET CLUB: As a result of the success of the club's summer ball which was reported in this column some weeks ago, a donation of £500 was made to the County Air Ambulance Service and a certificate has just been received from them in recognition of this excellent effort.

The club wish to extend its warmest thanks to all those who attended the ball and thus made this gift possible.

GUIDES AND BROWNIES: Kathy Haynes, Guide Commissioner for the Pershore East District (which includes Harvington) has succeeded in obtaining a grant of £999 from the Lottery's "Awards for All" scheme and is to be commended for her diligence in pursuing the idea. The money is being spent on buying a very large mess tent and a fire-shelter, this latter being an all-purpose weatherproof structure which will serve a variety of needs. Both tents will have uses well beyond just camping - at local events such as fetes, for instance, occasions when the presence of Brownies and Guides is welcomed. It is a generous suggestion, typical of the public spirited attitude which the girls and their leaders always show towards the village.

VILLAGE HALL: The management committee met on Monday evening and heard the chairman report on the work and repairs which have been successful carried out over the past few months, principally the updating of the facilities in the men's cloakroom. It has been an expensive period but it leaves the hall in sound condition and, thanks to the care and attention given to it by the caretaker, Derek Newsham, it also looks clean and attractive.

Questions were raised about the on-going problem of the damaging of the front of the hall by the youths who play football etc, on the forecourt but Dick Fairs, the chairman, suspended any further discussion until after the forthcoming parish council meeting when the chairman will be reporting on a meeting which took place recently at which a number of young people were present.

It was realised, with regret, that if the pre-school group closes because of lack of numbers, this will adversely affect the hall's income, but this will have to await developments.