PARISH COUNCIL: Flooding. After 2 years since the 1998 floods there is still no clear solution by Wychavon DC to finding a solution to this problem. The parish council has been in correspondence with the district council regarding possible works to the Merry Brook across The Green. There is also a possibility that the parish council will be asked by Wychavon district council to contribute to the cost of works, but this is being contested. A meeting between the parish and district councils on these matters is scheduled to be held before the end of September.

Land Opposite the Cemetery: The parish council has applied to the Land Registry for First Registration of this overgrown piece of land. When this has been done it will arrange for this prominent site at the entrance to the village to be tidied up.

Village Speed Limits: The parish council has been informed that the traffic calming and signs for the village will be implemented within the next month.

Millennium project: The proposal to build a new shelter on The Green as the project failed to receive a millennium grant from the National Lottery. Further applications for grant aid for this project are being sought.

Skips: Two skips are to be provided in the village over the weekend of October 20.

The next meeting will be held on November 14 at 8.30pm in the Old School Room.