THE disappearance of a vital witness has led to a man being cleared of the theft of a valuable Samurai sword.

The prosecution at Worcester Crown Court offered no evidence against 35-year-old Neil Soley, of The Foxholes, Kidderminster.

He denied burglary of a flat in Derwent House, Hurcott Road, Kidderminster, and also pleaded not guilty to an alternative charge of receiving stolen goods.

Prosecutor Tariq Shakoor said the main witness in the case, Michael Collinson, had not been seen for some time.

He had moved home without leaving his new address and police thought there was no hope of finding him.

Mr Shakoor added: "Regrettably the Crown have taken the view that it is not in the public interest to prolong this case by seeking an adjournment." The £495 sword had been recovered.

Recorder Sybil Thomas said she was satisfied that all steps had been taken and she recorded a not guilty verdict.