RESIDENTS of Bourton on the Hill are delighted that at long last the Gloucestershire County Council's environment committee has agreed to introduce an advisory lorry diversionary route around the village (Journal September 14). Everything now depends on the response of haulage companies and others when new signing for the scheme appears in the new year.

Village residents are only too aware that this decision, whilst welcome, provides only a partial solution to the horrendous impact that traffic in general, and HGVs in particular, have on their quality of life. Issues of pedestrian safety and excessive speeds have still not been seriously addressed.

We are grateful to Mr D L Howell, Traffic Manager, Cotswolds, for his strong advocacy of the scheme at the September 6 meeting, where he said the matter could not be further delayed as residents of Bourton on the Hill had suffered long enough.

Our special thanks must go to councillor Barry Dare who has, over many years, pursued the 'roads issue' on our behalf. His efforts have finally borne fruit!

Given that this is the only decision ever to be made in our favour over the vexatious road issue, after decade of struggle, we are bound to view Mr Gaden's remarks as ill-judged, and the timing of the remarks as extraordinary.

LEONARD & JUNE SPENCER, Sundial Cottage, Bourton on the Hill.