WORKERS have dug in to clear trees, bushes and shrubs in front of Lickey End First School to make way for parents and children -- thanks to a kind-hearted shopkeeper.

As part of the scheme which began last Wednesday, benches will be put in areas outside the reception area and in front of the school's offices.

These will allow mums and dads waiting for their children to come out of school to sit in comfort.

It will also make waiting easier for pre-school tots who come along with their parents.

One of the benches will be named after Brian King who owned a shop in nearby Alcester Road.

He died this year and left £10,000 to the school.

Some of the money has been used to fund the clearing up initiative with other cash coming from the Government.

Headteacher Judith Hill said: "Mr King rang me a few years ago and told me of his plans.

"He said he loved the school and we were delighted and touched by his offer.

"We are using part of the money for the waiting area and saving the rest for a future project."

Work is expected to be completed this year.