THE chief executive of Bromsgrove District Council has been urged to consider calling in the police to investigate "serious allegations" claimed to be in a report into activities at the Council House.

The call came from Cllr Peter McDonald (Uffdown and Waseley) the leader of the opposition Labour group, who has handed copies to council boss David Bryant and to Cllr Nick Psirides, the leader of the council.

Cllr McDonald plans to ask next Wednesday's meeting of the policy and resources committee to set up a scrutiny panel to look into the matter.

But Cllr Psirides (Con Norton) said this week he is happy for Cllr McDonald to contact the fraud squad or the audit commission to look into any "specific irregularities" which he claims may have taken place.

"I have studied the submission made by Cllr McDonald which is full of innuendo without any specific allegations being made," he said.

Mr Bryant, confirming the matter would be put before the meeting said: "It would be inappropriate for me to comment on a political statement from Cllr McDonald."