6 WHEN I became a county councillor in 1996, I was shocked to discover how very badly funded Worcestershire had been - and still is.

We have lobbied the present Government hard and often to give this county a fairer deal, but year on year, we see Worcestershire at or near the very bottom of the Government funding league tables for every public service we provide for our residents.

We have given all we can to our schools and have funded Social Services as best we can, so neglecting things like roads and books in order to protect people.

But with increasing numbers of elderly people who need care, and growing numbers of children entering the system, it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage on the meagre amount of money the Government gives to the county.

So come on Worcestershire MPs - we need you to intercede on our behalf and get us a better settlement.

Our services are being strangled and the county council straightjacketed.

We want to look after those who have neither the strength nor the money to look after themselves.

Unless you act now, we will be forced to turn away those in need.

Is that what this Government wants in Worcestershire?


Malvern Link Division.