HISTORIANS have been awarded £3,625 to carry out a survey in Droitwich Spa.

The Dodderhill Parish Survey Group will receive the money to help members investigate the history of their parish.

The group has 12 members and applied for the Local Heritage Initiative (LHI) in May.

Members want to understand the present landscape and investigate its past and early development.

The group will carry out field walking and the grant will fund research into parish history, production of historical notes and a map showing areas of interest.

In the past, the group has located three previously unknown small Roman settlements.

Project member Lyn Blewitt, of Worcester, said: "We're delighted about the money. It will enable us to open up our plans because we now have cash to support us.

"We are a voluntary group and have limited resources. This is a fantastic boost."

The Countryside Agency runs the LHI awards.

Scheme advisor Chris Tomlin said: "This is a well thought out project with good public support.

"It will increase awareness of archaeological heritage of the area and encourage other groups to launch similar investigations."