REDDITCH police are appealing for witnesses following a robbery at a Wythall petrol station.

A man entered the Fina Garage, Alcester Road, at about 7pm on September 10 and approached the cash desk to offer payment.

Once the till was open he produced a knife and demanded money before threatening the cashier with the weapon and taking cash from the till.

The offender was then seen running towards the A435 Alcester Road in the direction of Wythall.

He is described as white, 25-27, about six feet tall with a slim build and brown or ginger hair and moustache.

He spoke with an accent described as a cross between Liverpool and Birmingham and was wearing a yellow cap, a reflective vest, blue overalls with a white stripe down the outside leg, and appeared to be shaking.

Witnesses can call Dc Terris on 584888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.