A ROBUST action plan is to be launched at a Church Hill first school after Government inspectors put it under special measures to improve standards.

Ravensbank First School, in Wood Piece Lane, was inspected in June and inspectors highlighted many strengths, such as positive attitudes and provision for children with special educational needs.

And the team of inspectors also acknowledged the significant improvements which had been made since the appointment of the new headteacher, Carole Gregory, who they praised for being a firm leader.

But inspectors said the improvements since the last inspection, in 1997, had not been fast enough despite the school's procedures for ensuring best value being satisfactory.

The school, which has 247 pupils aged between four and nine, has now been given tough targets to meet within the next two years.

The aims include improving the quality of teaching, raising the attainment of maths and English and improving curriculum planning and assessment.

Other aims include strengthening and improving leadership and management of co-ordinators, senior managers and governors.

Chairman of governors Bill Hartnett, who is also a Redditch Councillor, said: "While accepting the contents of the report, the main focus for the school and governing body must be the future and making the required improvements via the action plan which we are currently working on with the LEA."

Headteacher Mrs Gregory said: "Our aim is to improve the quality of teaching and learning throughout the school.

"With the commitment and dedication of everyone associated with the school, we will reach our targets in the shortest possible time."