A TOWN health group has expressed fears over the knock-on effect bed blocking at the Alexandra Hospital will have.

The move will mean elderly patients waiting at the hospital will now be forced to wait even longer, taking up beds.

Redditch and Bromsgrove CHC has now stepped in expressing fears about the effect the move will have on hospital services.

Deputy chief officer Moira Morris said: "The situation is distressing for people staying in hospital when they need to be somewhere else.

"Everybody is worn down by it, including staff who are trying to cope with it."

The fear comes shortly before winter, which Mrs Morris said would only add more pressure.

Alexandra Hospital Unison spokesman Nina Wood-Ford said: "Until social services and health come under one budget, the problem will carry on."

Chairman of social services Peter Pinfield said: "We have had to slow down services for the elderly for a few months to get the budget back on track.

"If we don't, we will have to cut back on all the services, which nobody wants."

He added: "I do want to see the health service and social services working together under joint budgets and we are working towards it. It will be a Government requirement by 2004."