I listened to a lady in a local supermarket supporting the petrol protesters against what she described as the greedy Government, whilst she took all the remaining French sticks (the only bread left) from the rack, leaving the rest of us with none.

I attended a meeting on my estate to set up a tenants compact group and listened to loud-mouthed protests from the back of the room from people moaning about those who serve the people of Redditch for free.

When asked, not one of them was willing to give up their time to serve on a committee to help others, though the quieter ones were.

Have some people really become so selfish they can moan about paying taxes - taxes that are low in comparison to years gone by - while expecting more and more funding for our public services.

I have lived in Redditch for 17 years and was once a selfish, greedy businessman.

I suffered a heart attack and was saved by fine nursing at the Alexandra Hospital.

My wife and I lost our house in Church Hill, which was purchased off the council with discount, because the heart attack meant I could not run the business I had started.

We were fortunate to be re-housed on Abbeydale, which taught me the value of social housing.

My wife and I have fought back from depending on benefit (for which we were grateful) and now pay full rent and council tax and provide modestly well for our children.

We are happy to do so and glad we are able to contribute so others less fortunate can be helped in the way we were.

I am happy to be doing voluntary work to help others but am sickened by the rise in selfishness that once again seems to be sweeping this land.

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