Might I offer an alternative voice to the supposed universal support for the petrol protesters?

Yes! I would like cheaper fuel. Yes! I would like something for nothing.

No! I cannot support an attempt to undermine a democratically elected government by right wing anarchists.

Perhaps your readers might consider certain questions?

Why did two of the three supposed local protesters interviewed at Grangemouth, Scotland, speak with accents normally associated with south east England? Were they part of the Trans Action Group?

For those who don't know of this group, it comprises major haulage owners from the South East who can, if need be, organize a rolling blockade at a moment's notice.

Why have farmers omitted to mention that the ''red diesel'' used by them carries a 48p per litre rebate?

Why have farmers, haulage operators and taxi drivers forgotten to say they can claim back the money paid out as VAT?

Why do the protesters claim the Government won't listen when the chairman of the Road Haulage Association admitted, on television, that he had been in talks with the transport minister only the previous week?

If the farmers and truckers are so hard done by then how come they can find the time, money and fuel to drive willy-nilly around the country's roads at 10mph?

Why did the blockaders target the weak, the old, the infirm and the underprivileged?

The last question I can answer - that's what bullies do, isn't it?

D. Vincent

Middleton Mews
