THOUSANDS of people in the west of Worcester will be consulted over proposals to relocate Christopher Whitehead High School.

Two possible new sites have been earmarked at Grove Farm and Earl's Court Farm where Crown East meets Dines Green.

Homes and businesses in the relevant areas will be leafleted and a public meeting will seek views on moving the school from St John's to make way for a Tesco supermarket.

Helen Froud, director of corporate services, told members of Worcestershire County Council's executive committee that an urgent response on whether to consult residents was required due to rival options for alternative foodstores on the site.

The consultation will consider a new nine-form entry school - with 15 acres of playing fields - on either of the Grove Farm or Earl's Court Farm sites, as well as necessary infrastructure including safe routes to schools initiatives.

Officers hope to begin consultation as soon as possible with feedback due by the middle of next month.

"There's potentially a hugely-attractive planning gain for this council and the people of Worcestershire," said Coun Dan Wicksteed, portfolio holder for education.

The director of educational services, Julien Kramer, said the standard of education at the present site was excellent, but standards could be raised by new purpose-built facilities.

"It's a good school and getting better," said Coun Wicksteed.

The executive committee agreed to a formal consultation process to find out views on transferring the school.

Tesco has already opened negotiations with Worcester City Council about the new school, which will cost around £12m.