IN the Evening News of Monday, September 4, Mike Foster MP is reported to have said that the strategy outlined in Investing in Excellence was "going very smoothly" and "whether or not people agree with the changes, it is in the interest of patients that the transition is smooth."

Let him tell those waiting in ambulances for an hour, lying on trolleys for up to 18 hours, nursing staff run off their feet, that everything is going "smoothly"!

Those who read Investing in Excellence know that it should have been entitled How Can We Save £9m Overspend?" and was a half-baked, half-coshed exercise with a pre-conceived purpose in view.

We are aware that Mike Foster knows as much about hospitals as he does about hunting, but it is still not too late to save and improve Kidderminster Hospital in its entirety. Worcestershire is going to need it!

Consultants have called for an increase in beds for acute cases throughout the country and it is also obvious that the numbers of beds must increase for the growing numbers of older patients.

It is widely accepted that the first 30 minutes after injury or serious collapse are vital to the patient's recovery. On these points alone Kidderminster Hospital should not be reduced in its range of services. On the contrary, the number of beds should be increased and facilities expanded.


