IN response to Mr Foster's letter (Journal, September 7), I write in support of Mr John Stych. As a Chamber we have had over 400 letters from people in Evesham expressing their dismay at the proposed re-location of the Post Office, a view shared by Evesham Town Council and local MP Peter Luff. We have only received two letters backing the move. Mr Stych has put a lot of hard work into researching the reasons for the move, investigating alternatives and publicising the facts surrounding what is a very controversial issue. In a previous letter to the Journal I have explained why Evesham as a whole will suffer from the move, and I do not intend to repeat myself.

I do however think it is important to clarify that Mr Stych was expressing the view of the majority, fighting with passion for a cause that is dear to him and to many, many others. Mr Stych does have a business in the High Street and so he does have a personal interest, but then so should everyone who lives, works and uses Evesham town centre.

Thank you John Stych for all your hard work, from the many businesses that have displayed your posters, the many people that have written in support and from myself.

ROBERT JOHNSON, Chairman Evesham Chamber of Commerce, Charles Court, Vine Street, Evesham.