FEATURES seen from the Malvern Hills can now be identified as a replacement toposcope plate has been installed at the summit of Worcestershire Beacon.

The original plate, which was 100 years old, was stolen earlier this year.

Despite the offer of a reward, Malvern Hills Conservators - the conservation body of the Malvern Hills - has been unable to locate the engraved metal plate.

The replacement, which has been made using laser technology, is now in place.

"Although it's sad that it's not been possible to recover the original engraved plate, I'm happy that a copy of this interesting and historical feature is available for people to enjoy," said chairman Brian Wilcock.

The plate is an exact replica of the one designed by Malvern architect Arthur Troyte Griffith who was a friend of Sir Edward Elgar.

The toposcope commemorated the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897.

"There is a note on the new plate stating that it's a copy of the original," said Mr Wilcock.

"The Conservators hope that this will prevent other would-be bounty hunters."

The group has also installed a post in the tarmac track just off Beacon Road to deter motorised vehicles.