A FUNDRAISING appeal launched when a six-year-old Spa schoolboy's life was cut short by cancer has raised £6,000.

Alistair Wainwright died on May 12 this year after a year-long battle against a brain tumour.

In the wake of his death, parents Deborah and Nigel, of Charles Dickens Close, launched an appeal to buy lifesaving equipment for the Diana, Princess of Wales Children's Hospital, Birmingham, where he was treated.

Money will help refurbish the hospital's oncology clinic, buy plasma pumps and Christmas presents for patients.

The Wainwright family want to carry on fundraising.

On Friday, Deborah received £1,400 from Droitwich Spa Nursery and Kindergarten, in Worcester Road, which has held many charity events.

Alistair attended the nursery and his sister Lauren is cared for there.

The town's Working Mums' Group, part of the Worcester branch of the National Childbirth Trust, has also organised a jumble sale this Saturday, at the Old Library Centre, Ombersley Street East.

Donations are needed to ensure the event, which runs from 9am to 12noon is successful.

Alistair's family is also producing a book of remembrance.

They want adults and children who remember their son to post or e-mail memories.

Deborah said: "Lauren is three and we want something to pass on to her about her big brother.

"She is used to having a playmate and is clearly lost at times without him.

"We feel Alistair's loss greatly, as though an unseen force has attacked us and cut away half our family.

"We talk about him openly and don't want others to be afraid of doing the same in our company."

If you can raise any cash through fundraising or would like to make a donation call Deborah and Nigel on (01905) 796275.

Future funds raised will be used for brain tumour research.