A MOTHER fighting to find her kidnapped children claims the British Government has let both her and the youngsters down.

Furious Nicky Taylor says neither Tony Blair nor the Government has helped find the children, believed to be in Pakistan after being taken by their father in 1998.

Friends and family of the 30-year-old Droitwich mum sent letters urging Ministers to help locate the boys, but Mrs Taylor claims no action was ever taken.

The boys - Adam, aged 10, Daniel, nine, and Alex, five - were taken by their father Zamir in August that year.

"All I'm told is that there's nothing they can do," said the mum, who now has two sons Conah, aged two, and Lewis, 11 months, from her second marriage.

"I was told to contact the Foreign and Commonwealth office which I did. But all I got was a standard letter more than a year later saying there was nothing they could do.

"It seems neither the Commonwealth office or the Government wants to know."

She said the Prime Minister's office had written back to her saying the case had been passed to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, but she never had anything from Foreign Secretary Robin Cook or Home Secretary Jack Straw.

Mrs Taylor added that Mid-Worcestershire MP Peter Luff had also written to the Commonwealth Office but also drew a blank.

"It's all very frustrating as I feel the Government and Commonwealth Office could and should be doing more," said the mum of Farmers Green, Westlands.

"I've spoken to someone who knows Pakistan and its systems very well and they have told me the government and Commonwealth could be doing more to help.

"The Government doesn't want to get involved. I'm left making hundreds of calls a month trying to get help."

But a spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said the children were dual nationals, which complicated the process of securing their return.

"We recognise this is very upsetting for Mrs Taylor, as she is a mother separated from her children," he said.

"But the Pakistani government sees them as nationals in their own country.

"The only way we can get these children back is through the civil courts, and Mrs Taylor now has a barrister to pursue this route. We are assisting in every way we can."