A MAN who held "a responsible job" at an engineering firm was found in possession of a mixture of drugs.

Worcester magistrates heard how Jonathan Williams was stopped by police on Thursday, April 27.

"He appeared nervous and gave his name as Jonathan Rippard," said Mike Cowley, prosecuting yesterday.

"Police searched him and found a piece of clear plastic in his front pocket. He admitted that it was cocaine. He was arrested and taken to the police station.

"His home was also searched. Officers found methadone and silver foil containing a substance which was later found to be heroin."

Mr Cowley said Williams, aged 24, then admitted his real name.

On Friday, May 19, his home in Saxonbury, Evesham, was searched again.

"The premises was unoccupied," said Mr Cowley. "The defendant later returned home. Drugs paraphernalia and 17-and-a-half ecstasy tablets were found.

"He was taken back to the police station and admitted he was in possession of ecstasy, methadone and heroin.

"He completely denied that he intended to supply the ecstasy. He said it was cheaper to buy ecstasy in bulk."

Williams admitted being in possession of 0.9g of cocaine, and 153ml of methadone. He also admitted being in possession of ecstasy and two counts of heroin possession.

John Onions, defending, said Williams had legitimately changed his name from Rippard.

"He held a responsible job and was well-paid, but he took voluntary redundancy.

"The only person his drug addiction was hurting was himself and he recognised that. He has been on a detox programme."

The case against Williams was adjourned for pre-sentence reports. He will re-appear at Worcester Magistrates Court on Thursday, August 31. He was granted unconditional bail.