STRATFORD District Council has shelved plans to pedestrianise the Bridge Street area.

Funding has been halted for the time being after consultation with Warwickshire Transport Strategy committee.

Senior planner for the district council, Paul Harris said the decision to pedestrianise Bridge Street would probably be deferred for wider changes to be reviewed.

He said: "Councillors decided it was no good pedestrianising a street until we had a comprehensive transport strategy for the town."

South Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce has criticised the decision calling it a backward step.

Chairman of the Chamber, Alan Newland said: "The blow follows over 12 months of extensive consultations between district council and local partners which formed a steering group to promote the Bridge Street pedestrianisation plans.

"While the Chamber understands and agrees the need to consult with the new Warwickshire Transport Strategy we are concerned to learn this is yet more funding withdrawn from developing Stratford town centre.

"Other nearby towns seem to be moving forward in terms of economic development and achievement of their vision so it is essential Stratford does not miss out when it comes to attracting inward investment and generating turnover."

Mayor of Stratford, Juliet Short, supports the delay.

She said: "We want a policy for the whole of Stratford, not just isolated streets.

"Henley Street looks very nice now it has been pedestrianised but there are still hiccups concerning access. More townspeople need to be consulted before any scheme is approved."

Coun Short added that when the time came she was in favour of blocking off streets on a temporary basis to see if a scheme worked before implementing something which would be very hard to reverse.