I WAS delighted to have elicited a response to my letter of July 12 from George Cowley, whose letters regularly grace your pages.

I would like to respond and clarify one or two points. When I said "the evil spirits of liberalism" I totally meant it.

Liberalism is one of the ploys of Satan to destroy the human race. Liberalism really means giving greater freedom.

Unfortunately, the more freedom humans are given, the more society breaks down into anarchy as we witness in our city centre during the evenings and indeed as we see daily in our papers.

When I was a child, my parents gave me boundaries of behaviour for which I am grateful, as these boundaries were for my own good and for the peace of people around me.

Ask our poor teachers today what freedom from responsibility has wrought in many of the children who are inflicted upon them.

Dogma is created by man's churches. God gave us His boundaries through His word. I find his boundaries to be more and more beneficial to me the more I submit myself to them. You talk of a God of love. Well, the Almighty God, The Creator, is love!

He gave us of His son as a sacrifice that those who turn to him will be saved from the awful and eternal consequences of their own sin. Jesus is the way.

The reason for the failing churches today is because they have effectively ignored this fact and rejected the word of God in favour of their own dogmas.

Thus they try to exalt themselves above God.


Rainbow Hill,
