AN interesting meeting and two evening outings completed the summer programme.

Secretary Sandra Boreham presented a millennium video entitled "The Harbury Chronicles".

Harbury is a small village near Leamington and the video depicted the village's monthly activities.

A visit was made to the home of postman David Palmer, who resides in Broadway.

He has collected a large amount of Post Office memorabilia, including an interesting collection of postmen's headgear from around the world.

He had built a model of a typical post and sorting office and his ambition is to open a museum.

Members enjoyed an interesting walk around Leamington, escorted by a member of the Guild of Guides.

On July 15, members were invited to the home of Joan Witherington-Perkins and her husband for the 50th wedding anniversary garden party.

Proceeds from the various stalls were to be donated to charity.

The autumn programme commences on September 7 with a talk by Marion Chambers on victim support.

New members are welcome and for more details, call Sandra Boreham on 402657.