A BROMSGROVE worker has completed a 3,500-mile mercy mission to help impoverished Romanian orphans.

Severn Trent Water team leader Mike Taylor, based at the Sugarbrook depot, in Buntsford Hill Road, recently returned from Siret.

Joined by five colleagues and three Royal Mail workers, he crossed Europe with a cargo including food, clothes, toys and medical supplies.

During a three-week visit they prepared land for farming next to Romania's largest children's home, which houses 550 youngsters.

Volunteers laid an irrigation system and a water storage tank at a nearby girls' institution.

Water in Siret is turned off daily between 10am and 7pm.

The plight of orphans was highlighted in 1990 when the Romanian Challenge Appeal called on TV series Challenge Anneka to renovate the institution.

The show exposed horrendous conditions and although the home was improved -- work is ongoing.

Mike, of Redditch, first visited Siret last November.

He said the orphans "went wild" as they arrived because children knew the vans were packed with goodies.

Next summer Mike hopes to help organise an aid mission with support from Bromsgrove schools and businesses.