A CRACKDOWN on unauthorised posters has been called for by concerned councillors.

At last week's Droitwich Spa Town Council planning committee meeting, members called for tougher action against firms attaching adverts to signs and lampposts.

They are concerned the posters could distract drivers.

Committee chairman Cllr Terry Spencer (Con, Droit.Central) said: "There is a lot of this going on in the town and it concerns me that it is at busy traffic junctions and islands.

"We should take the posters down and try to get action taken against the people who put them up."

Cllr Frank Payne (Lab, Droit.West) called on town council gardener John Quinn to take them down.

But council leader Cllr Pam Davey (Con, Droit.South) said: "The gardener may take them down but it does not tackle the problem.

"We have got to get Worcestershire County Council to take the appropriate action against them.

"It is illegal, they shouldn't do it and the council should take action to deter them."

Members agreed to write to the authority to express their concerns.