ANGRY town MP Peter Luff has called for improvements to rural roads after a Spa resident complained.

The Tory MP for Mid-Worcestershire said a Droitwich resident wrote to him because of potholes.

Mr Luff said: "He finds they pose two threats.

"If he goes through them he risks being thrown off his bicycle or causing severe damage to it. If he goes round them he risks wobbling into the path of cars."

Mr Luff has written to Worcestershire county councillor Colin Beardwood (Lab, Redditch-Batchley) after comments he made about giving low priority to maintaining roads in rural areas because rich people who live there can drive their 4x4 vehicles across the potholes.

But Mr Luff said: "The state of Worcestershire's roads is a disgrace.

"Cllr Beardwood should be showing determination to improve roads rather than making comments that divide town and county."

But Cllr Beardwood stood by his remarks which were made during a committee meeting last month.

He said: "It was a joke but there is a serious point.

"We can't do everything at once and we need to prioritise.

"The roads which should be last are those which only serve one or two large properties."