ANOTHER school in the Alcester area is to benefit from Government funding after securing a grant for a £426,000 extension.

Temple Grafton Primary School has been offered the money under the Government's New Deals for Schools initiative.

If the planning application is successful the school could have two new classrooms, a new hall and practical area, a library and a hard play area.

The school made a previous bid for cash last year but it was turned down.

Headteacher Roger Gowland said the school was probably the largest primary school in the county which lacked an assembly hall.

He said assemblies at the moment were held in a classroom.

Mr Gowland added: "This is excellent news for the school, especially after we were turned down last year.

"We had the money confirmed in May and have now submitted a planning application to Stratford Council.

"If successful, work will hopefully start in November ready for the new school year in 2001."

The application will be considered by the Avon Area planning committee at a date to be arranged.

Last week, it was announced that Alcester Technology College was to receive £414,000 for improvements.