THE Conservative prospective Parliamentary candidate for Redditch has called it a "victory for common sense" after Tories voted down a bid by Labour and Liberal Democrats to abolish Section 28.

Karen Lumley said the decision not to axe the law, which prevents promoting homosexuality in local authority schools, would be welcomed by the mainstream majority of parents across Redditch.

Mrs Lumley said: "Conservatives have voted to keep this important protection for our children.

''It prevents taxpayers' money being wasted by teaching homosexuality in our schools.

"But Labour and the Liberal Democrats in Redditch are still committed to forcing the repeal of Section 28.

"They want funds for education to be spent on pursuing a politically correct minority agenda.

''By contrast, Conservatives want to see it spent on teaching proper lessons.''

She added: "I'm a parent myself and what I want promoted to my children at school is the idea of a happy family life and family values.

"I do not want homosexuality promoted to my children. They already know more than I do about it already. I do not believe it is needed."

Redditch Labour MP and schools minister Jacqui Smith said: "I think parents across Redditch are most concerned that, as their children grow-up, they can get good quality, factual sex education at school.

"The guidance issued by the Department for Education has been widely welcomed, emphasising the importance of teaching about marriage and stable relationships.

"And children come from a range of different backgrounds, so it is extremely important that teachers are able to respond to all of their individual needs."