REDDITCH police have targeted the town centre to try to stop a predicted increase in violent crime during the summer months.

The move to promote more pro-active policing comes after statistics showed a year-on-year rise in mainly alcohol-related incidents.

It is hoped the increase in foot patrols and constant checks on licensed premises will help curb the problem.

Insp John Beddows said: "When the summer comes the weather is warm, the days are longer and people drink for longer.

"Sometimes it can lead to crimes such as assaults, threatening behaviour, anti-social behaviour and vandalism.

"We have increased our foot patrols in the centre at night and work closely with the licensees, so hopefully the numbers of incidents will drop measurably."

Last year saw the formation of the Alliance of Redditch Licensees which has enabled the police and landlords to share information

Insp Beddows said: "We have had a very positive response from licensees. We give guidance to pubs about CCTV equipment inside pubs and work to improve safety in the town.

"Even though there have been a number of pubs which have opened up in the centre and more people are coming in, we still expect the numbers of incidents to fall."

The statistics on alcohol-related violent incidents in the town centre during June and July are to be compiled soon.