SUPPORT staff at the Alexandra Hospital will still take strike action over plans to downgrade them unless an agreement can be reached during crisis talks on Monday.

Unison has implemented an industrial dispute procedure at the hospital, meaning proposals cannot be developed further until talks have taken place.

The move came after the merger of the Alexandra, Kidderminster Hospital and Worcester Royal Infirmary to form the Worcestershire NHS Acute Hospitals Trust and bring all hospitals in line with each other.

The proposal was to bring up to 20 medical record staff from a grade three to two, meaning less pay and a lower pension.

Union spokeswoman Nina Wood-Ford said: "We are having a meeting with the director of information, technology and performance, Colin Bexley.

"I don't know what will come of it but hopefully we will come to some arrangement.

"But staff will not be downgraded and are still prepared to strike if necessary.

"We are in a dispute now, which means status quo exists and things can't be taken any further until these talks.

"After that, we will go back to staff and if they are still not happy, we will hold a ballot for strike action."

But Ms Wood-Ford added: "I'm hoping it won't come to that."

A trust spokesman said: "Discussions with staff and their union representatives are still on-going with regard to the changes necessary in order to provide an efficient and effective medical records service to our patients."