I WONDER if I may, through your Letters Page, ask whether anyone can explain to me the purpose of the annual summer festival of covering our roads with tons of loose gravel?

Most of the time, the stretches of highway chosen seem merely in need of repair from the usual holes and cracks, but come the time of summer lunacy, everything gets submerged in a sea of loose chippings which merely camouflages the real defects.

After a few months of summer, much of the chippings will have vanished so I have to ask, as I have done many times before, what's the point?

There rarely seems to be anything wrong to start with but we end up with something positively dangerous in some cases - ask any motorcyclist.

Luckily, most of us merely get scratched and chipped cars. I wonder how much it all costs each year?

I wonder if the 10mph max signs erected, among other places, on the Warwick Highway absolve everyone concerned of the responsibility of any damage caused?

By all means keep our roads in good repair but please stop this insane, wasteful, dangerous folly.

J Duffield

Bartestree Close
