JOHN Townsend from Worcester Street, Bromsgrove, fell foul of the by-law prohibiting use of bad language in one's own house -- if it could be heard by the public.

100 years ago

May 28, 1898

JOHN Townsend from Worcester Street, Bromsgrove, fell foul of the by-law prohibiting use of bad language in one's own house -- if it could be heard by the public. Constable Carter told Bromsgrove magistrates he could hear Carter swearing from the top of the entry leading to his home. He was fined 10s (50p) plus 8s (40p) costs.

BROMSGROVE council sent a message of condolence to the family of the late Mr Gladstone whose death was being mourned in every town and village in the land. He had been a frequent visitor to this part of the country as a guest of Lord Cobham at Hagley.

THE recent bitter winds and heavy rain had delayed the arrival of spring. However, the countryside around Bromsgrove and Droitwich Spa was now looking at its best and it was hoped the better weather would last until the Whitsun Holiday.

MEMBERS of Bromsgrove Court Leet sat down to a capital seven course annual dinner at the Golden Cross Hotel in Bromsgrove. The bailiff, Dr Underhill, invited a large number of guests and friends. The feast included salmon, turbot, saddle of mutton, sirloin of beef, spring chicken, new potatoes, pineapples and cherries.

50 years ago

May 29, 1948

MIDLAND Red buses, based at the Bromsgrove depot, last year travelled a total of 1,725,839 miles, the equivalent of 69 times around the world. The statistic was announced during a safety award dinner held at De Grey's cafe in Bromsgrove.

CANON F Roberts, a former curate at St Chad's, and lately vicar of St Stephen's Church, Smethwick, was instituted as vicar of Rubery. He replaced the Rev Dencer who had moved to Herefordshire.

THE newly-formed Bromsgrove Liberal Association said it deplored the Labour government's decision to abolish the death penalty without first consulting the electorate.

THE government's six month ban on private motoring would signal a return to the severe congestion in Bromsgrove High Street -- mainly caused by large vehicles parking opposite each other. The town council had passed no waiting laws some months ago, but the appropriate road signs had not yet been delivered.

FOR the first time in 55 years there would be no flag day collection in Bromsgrove in support of local hospitals. Since they had started, way back in Queen Victoria's reign, some £29,244 had been collected.

BROMSGROVE firm Tropicalisation and Packing Company was pioneering the safe delivery of delicate engineering components to the world's hot climates. It had originally started in small units on the outskirts of Bromsgrove, but was now based at the old brewery in St John Street.

25 years ago

May 25, 1973

THE old Bromsgrove House at Avoncroft Museum was the venue for the town's ancient Court Leet spring court. Honour Hinksman, wife of a late Bailiff, took part in a mini sketch to demonstrate the power courts of old could wield. She was 'sentenced' to spend 24 hours in the stocks for emptying her slops in the street.

BROMSGROVE council was to continue to press for a new site for the hospital which would replace the town's general. Councillors said the site, between Bromsgrove and Redditch, much favoured by Birmingham Regional Hospital Board, was unsuitable.

COUNCILLOR Henry Webley was re-elected chairman of Bromsgrove Urban District Council. He had been elected to the council in 1946 and had the distinction of being Labour's first chairman from 1954 to 56.

WHAT'S in a name? A lot according to Bromsgrove council who didn't think much of the developer's suggested names for roads on the new Lowes Hill estate in Bromsgrove. Ashurst Drive and Wychbury Crescent were non-starters, the council preferring a 'theme' such as rivers or hills.