THE eighth annual Aston Fields produce show was held in the billiards room at the workmen's club. Entries were good despite the drought.

100 years ago

September 3, 1899

THE eighth annual Aston Fields produce show was held in the billiards room at the workmen's club. Entries were good despite the drought.

A RARE humming bird moth had been found in a Bromsgrove garden. It got its name from its habit of mocking the bird's flight.

THIS week's showers which had broken the drought came as a relief for residents in Bromsgrove and Droitwich Spa. The East Worcestershire Waterworks Company said there would be no shortage in the area as was happening in many other parts of Britain.

BOSTOCK and Wombwell's famous menagerie was set to visit Bromsgrove's fair ground. Among a host of exotic animals which would be on show was a white or polar bear as it was otherwise known, camels, a South African zebra, which was the only one in Europe, and a boxing kangaroo.

BROMSGROVE magistrates made an example of John Pugh when he appeared before them charged with beating his wife, Kathleen. She claimed Pugh, of Windsor Street, had ''tried to get her eyes out'' and had injured her many times in the past. He was given two months' hard labour at Worcester Jail.

50 years ago

September 3, 1949

THE Messenger looked back ten years to the day when war had been declared. Two days previously, child evacuees had arrived by train from Birmingham which meant schools had to operate a two-shift system. That same Friday the blackout which was to last five years began, and which early on caused several fatal road accidents. Many foodstuffs and other items were still rationed.

THE colourful flower beds at Blackwell railway station had earned it second place in a Midlands area competition.

DESPITE the recent drought, exhibits at the Bromsgrove Labour Party produce show held at St George's Hall, in Sidemoor, were well up. Mr H Bedford, with eight first prizes to his credit, was the outstanding exhibitor.

THE provision of village medical services was to be one of the priorities for the new Dodford Parish Council.

QUICK-THINKING Colin Haley, from Stourbridge Road, Bromsgrove, was hailed as a hero for his James Bond type stunt which probably saved the lives of six of his friends while on a camping holiday at Brixham. Spotting a driverless car careering towards his friends' tent he swung his car, which had a trailer and boat in tow, across its path to bring the vehicle to a halt.

25 years ago

August 30, 1974

EDNA Byng, who had been a Sunday school teacher at St John's Church, Bromsgrove, for nearly 50 years had died. She had worked in her family's floristry business in Churchfields and had also been involved in many other voluntary organisations in the town.

FEARS that water supplies in Bromsgrove would run dry were allayed this week by the East Worcestershire Waterworks Company. A spokesman said supplies were safeguarded until the year 2015. There were concerns the company would be refused permission to sink another bore hole in the district.

HOUSEWIVES in Bromsgrove were starting to feel the effects of the national sugar shortage. Tesco had run out, Woolworths had not had any for three months and Key Markets store in Mill Lane this week rationed customers to two pounds each which cost 11.5p.

BROMSGROVE District Council was set to turn down a scheme by British Leyland at Longbridge to extend its car park at Cofton Hackett by 50 per cent. Residents claimed an extra 300 cars using the facility was unacceptable.