CHILDREN at Brailes Primary School are celebrating after unveiling the results of a year-long project.

All smiles: Teacher Lynette Kay with Charlie Hollies-Everret, Liam Hayes, Julie Lawrence and Amy Philips.

Work on a massive patchwork measuring 81 square metres began last September under the eagle eye of art teacher Lynette Kay. It grew so big that it was too large to be displayed away from the school and will now be a focal point of the school hall.

Each child started with a fabric square on which they came up with a depiction of "My Life in 2000". The patchwork uses fabric leftovers from the Royal Shakespeare Company, photographs, toys, sweets and crisp packets and has several hidden messages inside pockets.

The work is a fitting finale for Mrs Kay, who is leaving the school at the end of the term to pursue a full-time career as an artist. "It's a joy to see children create something meaningful and lasting, which will give a sense of real achievement to every child in the school," she said.